

⦁ The prime objective is to elevate the society by Focusing on the education of not only slum children but also Women or Senior Citizens.
⦁ To levy the foundation for Women Empowerment, Healthcare Development and Human Rights etc.
⦁ To contribute towards eradication of illiteracy and beacon the youth in the dark through education.
⦁ To help the socially isolated senior citizens and disabled persons by encouraging social interactions with them for their welfare.
⦁ To inculcate the ethics into the people to make the world a better place to live in.
⦁ To work for the social upliftment of underpriviledged individual or groups.
⦁ To organize campaigns and drives to create awareness among the people towards environment, social evils, poverty, etc.

Vision & Mission

⦁ To enlighten children of slum areas with basic education.
⦁ To encourage and popularize the voluntary work.
⦁ To engage the youth in productive tasks for the welfare of the society.
⦁ Upliftment of underprivileged children and weaker sections of the society.
⦁ Empowerment of the women in all aspects.