“Imagine a fish without water. Can it survive? Now imagine a world with all the environmental issues. Can Men survive?” The environment and the economy are two sides of the same coin. If we can’t sustain the environment we can’t sustain ourselves. Keeping this in mind SFC Foundations has launched its new and third project “Vatavaran” on 9th June 2020 as we feel that together we can bring a change and can make our planet Earth – a better place to live. Under this project, we’ll launch numerous campaigns focusing on the protection of our environment, animal protection and other creatures too. Currently, our ongoing campaign, under this project is ” #Feedingpaws“. #Feedingpaws is for all the animals who are going hungry amid the world’s strictest lockdown. To give them a better life, our volunteers are directed to feed them with milk and bread as SFC Foundations feels that he who feeds a hungry animal feeds his own soul. Furthermore, in future we will be launching similar projects dealing with ENVIRONMENT and it’s issues particularly focussing on deforestation, global warming, climate change and on pollution as raising awareness on the most pressing issues of our time is more important than ever. Together let’s join hands because conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. Care. Rescue. Save. Donate. Volunteer. Educate.